Why people love Open Source

It takes a lot of work to create any kind of software, and open source software meets the challenge by relying on a collaborative, meritocratic process. Sharing the work that we do, especially on large-scale, crowd sourced data networks, can enable others to work on newer and harder problems. Forcing everyone to reinvent the wheel is not a fast way to get to the future, especially when there are an unknown – but large – number of problems that may be solved with the solution.


Achtung Labs serving the open source community

Achtung Labs is a major advocate of the FOSS (Free Open Source Software) movement. A number of the software applications running on the Achtung Labs network are built on Open source frameworks or platforms. To encourage the development of open source software Achtung Labs continuously participates in several open source projects, actively contributing in the development cycles of the same. Further, in pursuit of this goal Achtung Labs is working on mentoring several upcoming open source projects in terms of either providing developmental support or providing infrastructure support in the form of managed server resources or by maintaining mirrors for existing popular projects.

Working on an open source project of your own?

Maybe we can help, get in touch with our team of software experts to figure out how best can we help you reducing world suck!

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